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7 Functional Blog SEO Tips for More Organic Traffic

7 Functional Blog SEO Tips for More Organic Traffic

Naman Modi487 26-Jul-2020

Some people may even neglect their blogs, giving up on them due to the lack of traffic. Rather than doing that, SEO expert Los Angeles may be a better option. Or following our seven actionable tips through this article may help you to revive your blog. Starting right from the basics and paying more attention this time. 

Do the same with contents that are not doing so well in your blog. Changing their headlines might do them some justice. Before you decide to put your headline, spend time, and brainstorm with others. You can even create several names to choose from. Using a CoSchedule headline can help you. As more users click your headline, Google interprets that as a great resource.

Using a top-notch content

Whenever you write, don’t compromise quality in your content. Always aim to deliver remarkable content. First, you have to understand your users, and what they are probably looking for, so you can precisely give them that.

Use enticing headline

When you entice readers with your headline, they will probably click and read the rest of your content. Did you know that while 8o percent of people read a headline, only 20 percent will open to read the article? However, you could be having a super-content, but if you don’t have an enticing headline, no one will ever read it or even know its taste.

Using the right metrics tools 

Invest in SEO experts Los Angeles and get a peace of mind when it comes to your site performance. However, you can find free tools that can help you figure out why your blog is not doing well. For instance, Google Analytics can track all your visitors. It can find where your users come from, the keyword they search most will help you know what they need.

Using that report, you can now fine-tune your content to their needs. Note that Google bases its ranking on searcher’s intent.

Find and fix non-performing content in your blog

It is imperative to find those blog posts that are failing your marketing objectives. They may affect the chance for your site to get search traffic.

The search engine can get snarled up and stop crawling because of the ineffective content. That’s because crawlers consume a considerable budget. It denies the excellent content a chance to get crawled. When you ensure that you only have the right stuff that can appear in SERPs, crawling will happen, and your site will attract organic traffic. Regularly do some audits so that you can optimize your traffic performance.

Optimize your site structure

  Users and search engines should have a breeze while accessing your site’s architecture. Otherwise, crawlers will have a hard time finding the most critical posts on your website. And also, it might confuse users, and probably not get what they need. With that disappointment, you are likely to lose visitors, as it set a wrong signal to the search engine. 

Hire the SEO experts Los Angeles to work on your site’s architecture because they have a long experience, which qualifies them to do an impeccable job with your website. A site with distinctive architecture, can boost organic traffic and place it on top rank.

Optimize for featured snippets 

Since the introduction of the featured snippet by Google in 2016, searchers started getting their search results on the same page without redirects. An appealing structure and high content contribute to organic traffic, with featured snippets. How to win Google’s featured snippet:

First, you need to understand that if a page does not appear on the first page, don’t appear in a snippet. First, identify the keywords that put you on the first page. They are the same that produce featured snippets-keyword phrases that are snippet-friendly, including what, how, why, and more. Use your content to answer questions. 

Provide structured answers to the search engines, reiterating the question in the subheading of the H2. Then give your reply below the heading with <p> in the text markup.

Use high-quality images that are SEO-optimized.

A featured snippet on your blog helps to increase organic traffic.

Guest blogging is good 

Target the authoritative websites with good traffic to reach your ideal audience. You can as well promote your blogs, to show how much you value the chance of posting on their site. And finally, respond to the user’s comments.

In conclusion, to build organic traffic is the holy grail of the bloggers and e-commerce businesses. It’s good to invest in it with SEO experts Los Angeles, to get the job done. Be patient because even Rome didn’t take a day to build. Use this insightful article as your guide, and you will get there.

Updated 28-Jul-2020
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